REVIEW : One Hand One Foot and a Lot of Teeth - DEATH BY DAWN

Release Date - May 22nd, 2006 Label - STF records
Country - Münster, North Rhine-Westphaliap
Death by Dawn is a very overlooked band in the thrash death genre
leaning closer to thrash. With vocals by Martin Van Drunen we all know
that part is well taken care of. the music is not his normal forte
except maybe Comecon stuffs. the production is pretty raw and the album
is equally as comparable to their demos, earlier and later. I hear a bit
of punk and hardcore influences at times as well. When I listen to this
album I wonder how something so fucking awesome could be so overlooked,
especially with the caliber of musicians and vocals. STF was a
relatively small label so I am thinking they might have not pressed many
but its a shame. any fans of thrash/death in the vein of Comecon or
The nicotine lobby is by far my favorite track on
the album just because of the brutal beginning and the vocals. there
isn't a bad song on the album and if you haven't heard this you are
missing a very solid album. I do not do in depth reviews or embellish as
I leave that for you to decide.this is basically just to get your
attention to listen to a very fucking good album you might not know
1. Divorced, Conicted, Fired 03:41
2. A Day Without the Band 06:17
3. Profit 04:16
4. Parliament of Decadence04:56
5. The Nicotine Lobby 05:48
6. The Deceiver Silenced 04:34
7. Welfare Paradise 04:50
8. State Paranoia 04:03
9. Not Afraid to Die 08:29
Reviewer - Jeff Fischer
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